Chapter 6 Principal Components Analysis

Sources for this chapter:

Data for this chapter:

  • The greekbrands data is used from the MKT4320BGSU course package. Load the package and use the data() function to load the data.

    # Load the course package
    # Load the data

6.1 Introduction

Base R is typically sufficient for performing the basics of principal components analysis, but to get some of the outputs required more easily and more efficiently, I have created a user defined function, which is part of the MKT4320BGSU package.

  • pcaex provides an eigenvalue table, scree plot, unrotated and rotated factor loading tables, and the principal components R object

6.2 Base R

6.2.1 prcomp() function

The prcomp() function performs PCA

  • Usage: prcomp(formula, data=, scale=TRUE, rank=) where:

    • formula is a formula with no response variables, but rather only the numeric variables to be included if not all variables in data are to be included
      • No response variable means the formula is written as:
        ~var1 + var2 + var3 + ... + var4
    • data= is the name of the dataframe
    • scale=TRUE standardizes the variables before running the PCA
    • rank= is the number of components to retain; default is all
  • When saved to an object, the following components are saved:

    • $sdev is the standard deviations of the principal components (i.e., the square roots of the eigenvalues)
    • $rotation is the unroated factor loadings
    • $x is the factor scores
  • Example: perform PCA on \(serious\), \(fun\), \(bargain\), \(trendy\), and \(value\) with only two components retained

    pcaout <- prcomp(~serious+fun+bargain+trendy+value, # Variables to include
                     data=greekbrands,  # Data frame to use
                     scale=TRUE,   # Standardize the variables
                     rank=2)   # Retain only first two components

6.2.2 Eigenvalue table

  • To get the eigenvalue table, we must square the $sdev component of the PCA object

    eigtable <- data.frame(components=seq(1:5), # column with component #'s
                           pcaout$sdev^2)  # Eigenvalues
      components pcaout.sdev.2
    1          1     2.0722697
    2          2     1.2747721
    3          3     0.8111322
    4          4     0.5913799
    5          5     0.2504461

6.2.3 Unrotated loadings

  • Unrotated factor loadings are in the $rotation component of the PCA object

                     PC1         PC2
    serious  0.006484917 -0.73514845
    fun     -0.179503188  0.65827780
    bargain  0.596338877  0.07600771
    trendy  -0.469318304 -0.14191980
    value    0.625984684  0.01756980

    Rotated loadings

  • Rotated loadings are not automatically created. Instead, we must use the varimax(pcaobject$rotation)$loadings command to obtain them. By default, only rotated loadings greater than 0.4 are shown.

            PC1    PC2   
    serious -0.101 -0.728
    fun             0.677
    bargain  0.601       
    trendy  -0.485       
    value    0.622       
                   PC1 PC2
    SS loadings    1.0 1.0
    Proportion Var 0.2 0.2
    Cumulative Var 0.2 0.4

6.3 User Defined Function

  • The pcaex user defined function can produce the results with one or two passes of the function
    • Requires the following packages:
      • ggplot2
      • dplyr
  • The results should be saved to an object
  • Usage: pcaex(data, group="", pref="", comp=) where:
    • data is the PCA variable data
    • group="" is the name of the grouping variable
      • Can be excluded if no grouping variable
    • pref="" is the name of the preference variable
      • Can be excluded if no preference variable
    • comp= is the number of components to retain
      • Default is NULL if all components are wanted
  • Objects returned:
    • If comp is NOT provided:
      • Scree plot ($plot)
      • Table of eigenvalues ($table)
    • If comp is provided:
      • Table of eigenvalues ($table)
      • Unrotated factor loading table ($unrotated)
      • Rotated factor loading table ($rotated)
      • PCA object ($pcaobj)
  • When a group= variable is provided, the PCA will be performed on an aggregated data frame (i.e., mean values by group)

6.3.1 Preparation

  • We need to pass a data frame to the user defined function containing the variables to be used (and maybe a preference and group/brand variable, see below)
    • In our class, the data set will often be used for creating a perceptual map, so we may also have a grouping variable (e.g., brand or product name) and a preference variable
    • Package dplyr is usually the best tool for this
  • For this tutorial, we will perform a PCA using the greekbrands dataframe
    • We will use only the following attributes:
      • \(perform\), \(leader\), \(fun\), \(serious\), \(bargain\), \(value\)
      • The data also has a preference variable, \(pref\) and a group variable, \(brand\), but we do not always want to use them.
# Store variables selected to 'pcadata1' (WITHOUT group and pref variables)
pcadata1 <- greekbrands %>%   
    select(perform, leader, fun, serious, bargain, value)

# Store variables selected to 'pcadata2' (INCLUDES group and pref variables)
pcadata2 <- greekbrands %>%   
    select(perform, leader, fun, serious, bargain, value,
           pref, brand)

6.3.2 Examples WITHOUT group= or pref= options

  • All components
    gb1.all <- pcaex(pcadata1)    # PCA data created earlier
    # Do not include 'comp' to get all components
    # Call gb1.all$table to get eigenvalue table
  Component Eigenvalue Difference Proporation Cumulative
1         1     2.2293     0.5454      0.3716     0.3716
2         2     1.6839     0.8876      0.2806     0.6522
3         3     0.7963     0.1545      0.1327     0.7849
4         4     0.6418     0.2433      0.1070     0.8919
5         5     0.3985     0.1484      0.0664     0.9583
6         6     0.2501         NA      0.0417     1.0000
    # Call gb1.all$plot to get scree plot

  • Two components
    gb1.2comp <- pcaex(pcadata1,    # PCA data created earlier
                       comp=2)   # Request 2 components
    # Call gb1.2comp$unrotated to get unrotated factor loadings
            PC1     PC2 Unexplained
perform  0.4683  0.1568      0.4697
leader   0.5336  0.2093      0.2914
fun     -0.3774 -0.0522      0.6778
serious  0.4760  0.2589      0.3821
bargain  0.2228 -0.6689      0.1359
value    0.2780 -0.6438      0.1298
    # Call gb1.2comp$rotated to get rotated factor loadings
            PC1     PC2 Unexplained
perform  0.4933 -0.0233      0.4697
leader   0.5732  0.0021      0.2914
fun     -0.3708  0.0879      0.6778
serious  0.5374  0.0691      0.3821
bargain -0.0343 -0.7042      0.1359
value    0.0263 -0.7007      0.1298 WITH group= or pref= options

  • All components
    gb2.all <- pcaex(pcadata2,    # PCA data created earlier
                     group="brand",   # Grouping variable
                     pref="pref")    # Preference variable
    # Do not include 'comp' to get all components
    # Call gb2.all$table to get eigenvalue table
  Component Eigenvalue Difference Proporation Cumulative
1         1     3.4180     1.5468      0.5697     0.5697
2         2     1.8712     1.4213      0.3119     0.8815
3         3     0.4500     0.2527      0.0750     0.9565
4         4     0.1973     0.1567      0.0329     0.9894
5         5     0.0405     0.0175      0.0068     0.9962
6         6     0.0231         NA      0.0038     1.0000
    # Call gb2.all$plot to get scree plot

  • Two components
    gb2.2comp <- pcaex(pcadata2,    # PCA data created earlier
                       group="brand",   # Grouping variable
                       pref="pref",    # Preference variable
                       comp=2)   # Request 2 components

    # Call gb2.2comp$unrotated to get unrotated factor loadings
            PC1     PC2 Unexplained
perform  0.4455  0.0934      0.3054
leader   0.4970  0.1817      0.0941
fun     -0.5005 -0.0351      0.1416
serious  0.4712  0.2503      0.1239
bargain  0.1718 -0.6815      0.0299
value    0.2293 -0.6557      0.0159
    # Call gb2.2comp$rotated to get rotated factor loadings
            PC1     PC2 Unexplained
perform  0.4533 -0.0409      0.3054
leader   0.5284  0.0284      0.0941
fun     -0.4889  0.1127      0.1416
serious  0.5238  0.1016      0.1239
bargain -0.0350 -0.7020      0.0299
value    0.0275 -0.6941      0.0159