Chapter 12 Conjoint Analysis (Not Covered)

Data for this chapter:

  • The airlineca data is used from the MKT4320BGSU course package. Load the package and use the data() function to load the data.

    # Load the course package
    # Load the data

12.1 Introduction

Base R does not have any built in function to handle conjoint analysis, because conjoint analysis can be done in a variety of ways. For this tutorial, the focus is on traditional conjoint using linear regression based methods. To accomplish the conjoint analysis, I have written a three user defined functions to help with getting the necessary results for traditional conjoint.

  • tradca produces overal part-worth plots for each attribute, and importance plot, and a table with case-level part-worths and importances
  • cademo produces correlation matrices and importance regressions from a dataframe of case-level part-worths/importances that has been appended with demographics
  • capred. compares two profiles specified by the user

12.2 tradca User Defined Function

  • Usage: tradca(formula, data, idvar="")
    • formula is an object with a saved formula. The formula is represented by a DV on the left side separated from the IVs on the right side by a tilde(~). For traditional conjoint, the DV is the value rating for each profile, while the IVs are the name of the attribute variables. For example:
      • caform = value ~ attr1 + attr2 + attr3
    • data is the name of the dataframe with the value ratings for each profile
    • idvar is the variable that identifies the case (in quotes)
  • When saved to an object, this function will return three things:
    • pwplot contains a plot with average part-worth values for each attribute
    • impplot contains a plot with the average importances
    • casetable contains a dataframe with the part-worths and importances for each case
  • NOTE: This function requires the following packages:
    • broom
    • dplyr
    • stringr
    • ggplot2
# Load necessary packages

# Saving formula to object
caform <- value ~ airline + connect + price

# Using fucntion and saving to object called 'results'
results <- tradca(formula = caform,  # Formula object created above
                  data = airlineca,  # Data frame with profile ratings
                  idvar="caseid")    # Case id variable

results$pwplot   # Get part worth plot

results$impplot  # Get importance plot

12.3 cademo User Defined Function

  • Usage: cademo(formula, data, vars="")
    • formula is the saved formula object from before
    • data is the name of the dataframe with case-level part-worths and importances, along with the appended demographic variables (see Preparation below)
    • vars is a list of the demographic variable names
  • When run, this function will return correlation matrices and importance regressions depending on the type of demographic variable
  • NOTE: This function requires the Hmisc package

12.3.1 Preparation

  • To use this function, the casetable from the call to the tradca function must be appended with the demographic variables for each case. To do this, use the following code:
demos <- airlineca %>%   # Create new dataframe called 'demos' based on original data
   group_by(caseid) %>%      # Group by the 'idvar'
   summarise(inc=first(inc),    # Capture the demographic variables
             type=first(type)) %>% 

# NOTE:  This last command appends the demographic variables 'casetable' dataframe 

12.3.2 Function usage

cademo(caform,  # Formula object from before
       demos,   # Dataframe created above
       c("inc", "type"))  # Names of the demographic variables

Correlation Matrix for airline_
airline_1: Delta   0.36*
airline_2: Spirit   0.17
airline_3: SW      0.36*

Correlation Matrix for connect_
connect_1: None -0.01
connect_2: One   0.20

Correlation Matrix for price_
price_1: $300 -0.35*
price_2: $450  -0.17
price_3: $600  -0.09

Correlation Matrix for Imp
Imp_airline  0.47*
Imp_connect   0.17
Imp_price   -0.48*

Regression Results for Imp_airline
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   10.1131     7.5592  1.3379   0.1891
inc            0.3325     0.0946  3.5161   0.0012
typePleasure  -9.4936     5.3744 -1.7664   0.0856

Regression Results for Imp_connect
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   10.2144     5.3877  1.8959   0.0658
inc            0.0787     0.0674  1.1672   0.2506
typePleasure  -5.0497     3.8305 -1.3183   0.1955

Regression Results for Imp_price
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   79.6701     8.7485  9.1068   0.0000
inc           -0.4111     0.1094 -3.7567   0.0006
typePleasure  14.5439     6.2200  2.3382   0.0249

12.4 capred User Defined Function

  • Usage: cademo(formula, data, prof1, prof2)
    • formula is the saved formula object from before
    • data is the name of the dataframe with case-level part-worths and importances; this is the casetable object from the original call to the tradca function
    • prof1 is the first profile (see Preparation below)
    • prof2 is the second profile (see Preparation below)
  • When run, this function will return correlation matrices and importance regressions depending on the type of demographic variable

12.4.1 Preparation

  • To use this function, it works best to create the profiles by saving them to separate objects. The attribute levels for the profiles should be in the form of: attribute_levelnumber.
    • For example, for the first Delta is the first level of the airline attribute, so we would use airline_1 to indicate that level of that attribute
# Create first profile
prof1 <- c("airline_1", "connect_2", "price_3")
# Create second profile
prof2 <- c("airline_3", "connect_2", "price_2")

12.4.2 Function usage

capred(caform,  # Formula object from before
       results$casetable,   # Dataframe from original 'tradca' call
       prof1, prof2)  # Names of our profile objects

Profile 1 = airline_1: Delta  /  connect_2: One  /  price_3: $600
Mean Utility = 26.382
95% CI = (18.107,34.657)

Profile 2 = airline_3: SW  /  connect_2: One  /  price_2: $450
Mean Utility = 51.933
95% CI = (42.208,61.658)